Pakistani news studio in the 1970s.
Final resting place of Pakistan's independence hero Chaudhry Rehmat Ali
 Qaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah, pictured with Sir Abdullah Haroon.
 Father of the Nation, opening the State Bank of Pakistan for the first time in 1948.

Philosopher Dr Muhammad Asad (First citizen of an independent Pakistan) pictured with his colleagues at the door of 'The Department of Islamic Reconstruction'. The department was created by the father of the nation Muhammad Ali Jinnah himself to Research and Develop an Islamic, democratic political system to be implemented into the infant Muslim state. After Jinnah's passing, Dr Asad was transferred by Zafar-ullah Khan to a diplomatic duty and the Department was set on fire with most of its research work destroyed by 
unidentified men.

 Cover , On the creation of Pakistan and India.